Talents du Football

undefined Eleftherios Rokakis
Nom Rokakis
Prenom Eleftherios
pseudonyme -
date de naissance 30.01.1998
année de naissance 1998
taille 190
Nationalité Grèce
position Milieu,Central midfielder
association AO Chaidariou
A-Joueur national non
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Eleftherios Rokakis

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Info: Eleftherios ROKAKIS is a eighteen years old gifted box-to-box midfielder. He is a giant (1.90cm) central midfielder who have good mobility and skilled at both defending and attacking. He loves to track back to his own penalty area to make tackles and block shots and also run to the opponents' box to try to score. He has good passing, vision, stamina, tackling and marking in defence, and shooting and dribbling in attack. He possesses incredible fitness, stamina, tactical astuteness and a certain degree of skill to excel in such a role ... Our target - infuction of his age - improvement game by game level and quality in his game play.

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