Talents du Football

undefined Geraldo Dibeto
Nom Dibeto
Prenom Geraldo
pseudonyme Dargroove
date de naissance 27.05.1993
année de naissance 1993
taille 175
Nationalité Nigéria
position Attaque,Second Striker
association Pepsi Football Academy
A-Joueur national non
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Geraldo Dibeto

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Info: Gerald Ibeto known as Geraldo Dibeto is a false nine who is been blessed with energy and strenght which allow him to opperate as second striker. He plays football with full confident and mementum which makes him to be the most aggressive striker on the earth. His goal threat is sometine that is unstopeable because of his accuracy in timing which make his former coach samson siasia gave him the name ''MR ACCURACY'' his slippery body enable him to sneak among deffenders to cause troubles in goal. He can opperate wide left or at the back of real nine bt he is being noticeable in false nine role though his good finishng when being play as the main striker give arguable place to be played and that is why he is been known as tactician. (Fremdangabe)

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